AGSEV will not run Class Photos for 24/25 – how can we support class reps.
AGSEVClass Photos we have to inform you that AGSEV WILL NOT BE running this activity in 24/25.
We have delivered almost 3000 photos in the past 18 months!
We know what a joyful memento this is for the present and for the future. Particularly…

Cari ragazzi del BAC 2021
AGSEV, News(Scroll down for English) Come presidente dell'AGSEV ho avuto ancora una volta il privilegio di parlare agli studenti e alle studentesse diplomati S7 alla cerimonia del BAC (e, devo aggiungere, è stato un piacere al termine della cerimonia…

With diplomas in hand, P5 says goodbye to Primary
AGSEV, News(Per l'italiano, vedi sotto) On Thursday evening, 1 July, P5 students celebrated their graduation as they got ready to move on to Secondary School. Each language section had their own individual ceremony, led by their teacher and Primary Acting…

Green fingers and thumbs
AGSEV, News, Sustainability(Per l'italiano vedi sotto) The AGSEV parents’ sustainability group met just before school ended, and we soon realised that not everybody had seen the news sent out by the school recently about the gorgeous new Materna and Primary School gardens,…

Pride month is ending, but Pride – and support – lives on year round
AGSEV, NewsAs Gay Pride month comes to a close, it’s important to remember that our pride, recognition, and support for the LGBTIQ – Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender, Intersex and Queer – communtiy continues all year round. In the hyperlinks below…

Young reviewers for an international online scientific journal!
AGSEV, News(Per l'italiano, vedi sotto) A team of primary and secondary pupils from P5ENA, P5ENB, S1ENA, S2ENA and S2ENB had the unique opportunity to get a taste of what scientific research is about by reviewing manuscripts for the online scientific journal…

Alla scoperta delle istituzioni europee
AGSEV, News(Scroll down for English) Giovedì 24 giugno 2021, gli alunni della Scuola Primaria hanno avuto l’opportunità di approfondire, attraverso diverse attività ludiche, qual è il ruolo delle istituzioni dell’Unione Europea e che impatto hanno…

The 2021-2022 school calendar is available now (yes, already!)
AGSEV, News[Per l'italiano vedi sotto] The 2021-2022 school calendar is available now! Created by the parents association every summer with the help of talented European School student artists, every year the calendar is a regular fixture on refrigerators,…

See the children’s artwork gallery for the 2021-2022 calendar
NewsTo our great delight we received over 50 responses to our call for children’s artwork for the AGSEV 2021-2022 Calendar.
As announced, the theme is What Cheers Me Up, and it’s our pleasure to present these unique and imaginative artworks…

Cerchiamo disegni/opere per il calendario scolastico 2021/2022
News[Scroll down for English] Molti di voi conoscono da tempo il calendario scolastico dell'Associazione dei Genitori (AGSEV). Ogni anno è decorato con coloratissime creazioni artistiche dei nostri studenti.
Come ogni anno AGSEV vi chiede la…

Locked at home: an event with Matteo Locatelli
Eventi, Eventi esterni, News
We invite you to the second edition / English-language edition of an online event with MATTEO LOCATELLI on Tuesday 19 January at 20:30:
Locked at home: Strategies for managing the lockdown