Entries by Cecília Bárdossy

After-school-activity Mondays (ASAM)

My name’s Veronica Altieri. I’m a teacher, a mother, a cyclist. I have taught English and Spanish to children and adults in several countries in the western world. I love teaching, exploring and learning! Here in Italy, I teach languages, math and I run craft workshops at home. I’ve been part of the school ‘family’ […]


Music lessons and after school activites, autumn 2021

[Per l’italiano vedi sotto] Group after school activities have been suspended by the school (see more below). But the good news is that individual music lessons are going ahead starting this month. Please visit our music lessons page for further details. To give you a better idea of the nature and variety of the individual […]

Già al lavoro per le attività parascolastiche per 2021-2022

(Scroll down for English) Come probabilmente sapete, a causa delle restrizioni Covid le attività parascolastiche sono state tutte sospese l’anno scorso. Con il miglioramento della situazione pandemica, AGSEV è molto fiduciosa che le attività parascolastiche possano riprendere in sicurezza per l’anno scolastico 2021/2022. Infatti, stiamo già lavorando con entusiasmo insieme agli insegnanti di parascolastica per […]

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Dreaming of a Green Christmas?

[Per l’italiano vedi sotto] Christmas is one of the most expected periods of the year for many, especially for children. However, environmentalists call Christmas “one of the worst annual environmental disasters”. The amount of waste produced increases by 30 percent across the EU during the Christmas period. Just to cite a few examples: about 365,000 […]