Reorganization of studies in the secondary cycle

Cari Genitori,

una riorganizzazione del ciclo scolastico secondario sta per essere varata dal Segretario Generale e dalla Commissione Europea al solo scopo di risparmiare denaro e non con l’intenzione di migliorare l’istruzione degli alunni o l’efficacia del sistema stesso. La riforma potrebbe comportare l’abolizione di alcune sezioni, meno opzioni per gli studenti delle classi superiori della secondaria, raggruppamento verticale sistematico e quindi influenzare negativamente la qualità della formazione dei nostri figli e la loro capacità di entrare all’università o avere successo nei loro studi.

Per ulteriori informazioni vi preghiamo di leggere il documento di cui al link “Information to parents on the reorganization of studies in the secondary cycle” e gli altri documenti contenuti in questo dossier.



Dear Parents,
a reorganization of studies for which the Secretary-General and the European Commission seem to be pushing hard is designed with the sole intention to save money and not with an intention to improve the education of the children or the effectiveness of the system. The reform could entail abolishment of certain sections, less options for higher secondary students, systematic vertical grouping and therefore negatively affect the quality of the education of our children and their ability to enter university or succeed in their studies.

For further Info see the document “Information to parents on the reorganization of studies in the secondary cycle” and the other documents in this dossier.


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  1. Information to parents on the reorganization of studies in the secondary cycle
  2. Revision of the Decisions of the Board of Governors concerning the organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools
  3. Revision of the Decisions of the Board of Governors concerning the organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools – Annex 1
  4. Revision of the Decisions of the Board of Governors concerning the organisation of studies and courses in the European Schools – Annex 2
  5. Organisation of studies in the secondary cycle – Working Group Interim report and proposals
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